"To get clear water, one must go to the source."
Q - Is borehole water safe to drink?
On the whole borehole water is safe to drink; however, it could possibly contain dissolved minerals or contamination. If there are concerns over the waters fitness use we can have the water tested by an accredited laboratory that will give a detailed report of the water. It is then possible to correct any problems with filtration etc.
Q - Is borehole water better than the mains?
60% of mains water originates from recycled waste water! To ensure the water maintains satisfactory quality through the long distance pipe work, mains water contains chlorine, fluoride, and other chemicals; your private borehole water supply, maybe with the help of simple filtration system has no requirement for any chemicals and will provide pure drinking water of the very highest quality.
Q - If my private water supply develops a problem, can I switch back to a mains supply until fixed?
Yes of course you can, and we would always advise that you have such a system in case of this eventuality. A stop cock to turn the mains supply off into the property can then be turned on in case of a problem; you will still have to pay the standing charge to your water company but will not have to pay for any water unless you need to use it.
Q - How large are the savings that can be made by having your own private water supply?
This will depend on your water usage, if you are a large water user, like a dairy farm for example, the savings can be huge compared with metered mains water, some large dairy farms have reportedly returned their investment in under 9 months! The remaining water is then very nearly free! Smaller users may take longer to recoup their costs but the other benefits by far outweigh the amount of time to repay! A borehole can also be very cost effective if you are having trouble with your mains water supply or trouble getting a mains water supply, some connections to the mains can cost thousands to put in and involve laying yards and yards of pipes.
Q - Is it possible to share a borehole water supply?
One water well or borehole can supply more than one property, you may wish to club together with a neighbour to enable one well to supply several houses and share the installation costs! Some new housing developments are installing a borehole between four or five houses, this is an added benefit to new owners.
Q - Can a borehole water supply work with a new development?
There are many ways a borehole water supply can work with a new development. Well Drilling UK Ltd work with property developers and house builders to install private well water supplies to individual houses, small property developments, and major residential and commercial property schemes; by pluming several properties into one borehole you can ensure substantial savings on expenditure and the houses can be marketed with the asset of a free private water supply included with the property.
Q - How long does it take to drill a borehole?
It depends on the depth and the type of ground which we encounter. Typically, somewhere between 2-3 days is all that is required. It really depends on the hardness of the material on the way down. A geological survey of your area will give us some idea of what material will be encountered.
Q - How long will a new borehole last?
A borehole should last several generations at least. Boreholes are lined with tough plastic liners to the bottom which allow water to flow into the borehole and prevent the bore from collapsing. These liners are virtually indestructible so it's feasible that a modern lined borehole could last hundreds of years or more.
Q - Can anybody have a borehole?
Anyone who has a garden or a piece of land can have a borehole if there is water somewhere beneath it!
Q - Do you need an abstraction licence or planning permission?
No permission or licence is required for anyone who wishes to extract up to 20,000 litres per day, this is in accordance with the Water Act of 2003. If your usage is more than this every day then you will need to apply for an abstraction licence, Well Drilling UK Ltd can help you to apply for this licence if required.
Q - What is a geological survey and do I need one?
There are several tools which we can use to assist in the process of finding out what the geology of your land is and if it is likely that we can find a good supply of water. Firstly, we look at existing borehole logs in your area. This gives us a general view of the current ground water situation and what yield these boreholes may be producing. This allows us to advise you of the quality and quantity of water you may expect to find. In the unlikely event that your area is poor in natural ground water, there are other avenues that you can explore to see if a usable supply could still be an option, this may be that the yield would not be enough for your requirements but maybe by adding a storage tank and a slower pump, this would give you enough water for when your needs are high without running the borehole dry.
Q - What is dowsing or divining and how does it work?
Dowsing is an age old system of locating anything the mind's eye can focus on using a system which all humans and animals have and is known as extra sensory perception.
Q - Can I really believe that a person with sticks is going to find my water?
It works! Nature including simple plants, have systems for locating water, sometimes against seemingly incredible odds. As humans are also part of nature, it stands to reason that we have this ability too - and we do. It's called extra sensory perception and everyone has this ability. But like all skills, it needs to be understood and practiced to keep it alive and working.
Q - How accurate are dowser's results?
This depends on the dowser in question. Some, who have been using and practicing this art for years are very good. They can locate water, determine the depth and the expected rate of flow of the water when finished. This is not something just anyone can do and experience has shown that in certain circumstances the divining has found a much better supply than a very expensive full geological report!
Q - Do oil exploration and mining companies use dowsers?
Yes they do! Oil and mining companies spend huge sums on locating and quantifying the levels of whatever it is they're looking for. These huge corporations use a combination of both geological surveys AND dowsers. They will readily admit that they get much better and more accurate results when they use the services of dowsers, instead of just using geological surveys, alone.
Q - I'm still doubtful - what can i do?
Have an open mind and have a chat with our diviner or contact the British Dowser's Association for more info.
Q - Is a water borehole bad for the environment?
No it is not bad for the environment, there is a good chance that the water supplied to you by your water company has come from one of its own boreholes.
Q - What if the borehole water has excessive mineral content or contamination, can it be filtered?
If there are any problems with your water it can be tested by an accredited laboratory that will give a detailed report of the water. It is then possible to correct any problems with filtration etc.
Q - Do I need water storage tanks?
It is not always a requirement, but it will depend on the water available and your water usage. In normal usage situations where the borehole has adequate supply, the submersible borehole pump will pump straight to a 300 litre pressure tank and then straight around your water system. If the available water is not enough to keep up with your usage requirements or you have excessive usage requirements all at one time, then a storage tank would be a good option. That way you will never run short of water when you need it.
In most circumstances, storage tanks would usually be in the 1 to 5 tonne range, constructed of bonded nylon, and may be placed above ground, preferably under cover or shielded from frost. These tanks are lightweight, easy to move and manoeuvre and last very many years - maintenance free, and resist harmful solar UV radiation.
Q - What type of storage would I need?
Your tank or series of tanks may be sited above ground in an outbuilding or other enclosure for example, or may be sited in the ground in a purpose built chamber. Tanks above ground which are not under cover should be shielded from frost - or should be frost resistant.
Tank size is calculated depending on your water requirements and will be fed by the borehole and then pumped around your system as required.
A storage tank will buy you time to get any problems fixed, allowing you to continue using your water supply. It will reduce stress on your bore or well pump by it not having to operating constantly and in general gives your better control over your entire system.
Q - What sort of pump do I need?
What borehole pump you will need depends on a few factors. How deep your borehole or well is and what volumes of water which you expect to need and the amount of lift which is required to bring that water to the surface. If your well or bore hole is very deep, you will need a more powerful pump, even if your requirements are modest as it takes a lot of energy to lift water vertically. This type of pump is for getting water out of the ground, often from great depths and delivering it to the surface.
Depending on the amount of water to be moved and the distances involved, single or three phase pumps may be used. In general for most cases, single phase pumps ranging from 750 watt to 2 Kw are all that is required.
Q - Do I need filtration?
The answer to this question depends on the results of a water analysis tests. If you are using a storage tank then we would always recommend a simple ultra violet filter at the point of use if you intend to drink the water.
However, if you are pumping directly to an irrigation system for example, usually no filtration is required.
If you are supplying the general public, a caravan park for example, then a full filtration and UV system should always be installed to suit your water analysis test results.
Other forms of filtration might be needed if your water has high levels of iron, manganese, lead, or any other metals, or if your water is excessively hard or soft. As a rule, the water is usually pure enough to drink as it is!
Q - What is a pressure vessel and do I need one?
A pressure vessel is a pressurised cylinder which maintains even water pressure (Bar) across a system which has several or many points of use. If your pump is going to deliver water to 3 or more points of delivery, using water at one point may cause a sudden drop in pressure at another point. We have all experienced being in a shower, happily lathering yourself, and somebody turns a tap on! Whilst this is far from critical and is simply unpleasant, if you're using equipment which is pressure sensitive or critical, maintaining even system pressure (Bar)across your system may be essential.
Bad water pressure is a pain even for simple everyday tasks and is one reason often given for requiring a borehole! The pressure vessel will also prolong the life of your pump by stopping it from switching on and off as often.
Q - Do you make a lot of mess when drilling the borehole?
Some mess is inevitable but the boys will try their hardest not to make too much mess and to clear up any mess where possible.
Q - What does it look like when its finished?
You will not be able to see where the borehole is apart from a custom made manhole cover placed over the chamber for maintenance purposes. This can then be covered with turf or gravel if required, so long as you can remember where it is!
Q - Does your company have adequate insurance?
Yes Well Drilling UK Ltd has:
Employers Liability: £10,000,000
Public Liability: £5,000,000